New York, New York!

What better way to end the summer than a NYC trip with friends!? Flights and hotel were booked, play tickets bought, and finally...the end of August arrived.

Day One

 We left Alea early and after using a car park, flew into LaGuardia--smoothly, easily. What was NOT so easy was the transport TO the hotel. Note to self: NEVER use Go Air Link Shuttle. Expedia had booked this for us and I was a bit hesitant, since Super Shuttle was also available and I'd had good luck with them in the past. This time, however, the shuttle loaded us up and drove crazily around until it finally found the Queensborough Bridge and eventually found its way to Manhattan. Felt hot, sweaty, and we dropped off others on the way. NOT a fun, easy drive.

Hotel seemed okay--just okay--adequate, clean, on W 39th between 8th and 9th. Six rooms to a floor--had nearly 40 floors. Thank heavens we were on 12. With only two elevators servicing all, getting to/from our room was a bit challenging at times. Tiny rooms, yet comfortable beds and pillows.

We set off to a fun pub nearby for a bite--had Fish and Chips with a good beer. Then we traipsed up to Times Square--our first taste of the sensory stimulation that followed us for the next three days--so much visual craziness combined with sounds of horns, foreign tongues and sirens, and aromas one could consider vile.

We ran into a protest against the ousting of Egypt's Mubarak, scantily-clad guitar singers, a nearly nude topless "pink lady," and various super heroes waiting for a photo op for a few bucks.

We found St. Patrick's Cathedral and Rockefeller Center, where we entered a dark, cool world of black floors and walls, combined with gold railings and metal floor spacers--so very Art Deco-like. A bit shell-shocked from the flight and our first NYC walkabout, we fell into bed with plans for a hop on/hop off harbor cruise for the next day.

Day Two

What 19,493 steps looks like: Awoke to a sunny, warm day--loaded up on hotel breakfast and sunscreen and set off for Pier 84 to find our water taxi. The 15 min. walk gave us a sense of New York awakening. Many, many tourists joined us along the way and when our boat arrived, Becky and I chose the upper deck, and Kathy and Linda sat below.

What a ride on a gorgeous, hazy summer day! We hopped off at Battery Park and trekked to the 9-11 Memorial. A new higher tower rising in the distance (we will stand tall against terrorism), "the two reflection pools framed with the names of those lost in the attack were somber, visual reminders of New York and the US's devastation twelve years ago. What a change 12 years has made. The city is coming back.

Hopping on the water taxi again, we made it under the Brooklyn Bridge before it became clear the PA system wasn't working, and we changed boats before heading over to Lady Liberty. She IS majestic!

A few photo-op moments later, we headed back to Pier 84, fresh air blowing in my face and Sinatra's "New York, New York" blasting over the intercom. Such a joy to have this opportunity to experience the harbor on this day with good friends.

We took one more stop--hopped off at Washington Square area and strolled to the park. Then a subway ride to Grand Central, a bus back to 42nd and 8th, and a trek back to the hotel where we showered before dinner at Jacks and a show--"Forever Tango" (package deal--dinner and show for $100). My caesar salad, salmon, risotto, and tiramisu were wonderful, and the dance/singing review had us wondering how those dancers could possibly move so fast and so precisely. Fun! Yes, 19,493 steps, my Fitbit recorded. whew!

Day Three: 

Awoke to a dreary day--possibility of rain. What to do? In a bit of a tizzy, we were met at the concierge desk not by our friendly Rick dude, but rather by an up-tight Judy, who stood and shook hands. When we asked questions, she became flustered, abrupt--almost as if she were unsure of herself. It flustered us to be around such a flustered gal!

We ended up taking a bus tour to "uptown"--up to the park, the along the west side, Harlem, and down the east side. The neighborhoods changed in a block, and the very wealthy and the very needy lived nearly back-to-back.

When it began to sprinkle, Kathy and Linda braved the elements atop the bus with thin ponchos and later Becky and I joined them.

Lunch at a fun deli revived us and then we decided to take the downtown tour next, only to find the next tour was again the uptown tour. Dang! So with the heavens opening, we headed for the hotel, stopping off for a mango margarita on the way.

Rest, a chat with the general manager over a booking issue, and was time for the BIG EVENT--Cinderella!

We dined at Ruby Flos--an Asian restaurant where we ended up sharing all sorts of interesting dumpling, spring rolls, coconut shrimp, etc. Up the block was the Broadway playhouse and our highlight.

What can one say? The BEST seats in the house (first row center balcony), a lovely cast (gorgeous Laura), superb singing, wondrous magic. Tender, romantic and fun.

Afterwards, we scooted to the stage door, bypassing others who were waiting for the cast to sign autographs, etc. Linda knocked on the door, gave her name and we were welcomed backstage. What struck me was how empty and quiet the entire theater was only 15 minutes after such a big production--all props and the set were organized, and a few theater-goers (like us) took pictures.

Laura, gracious and glowing, posed with us, then signed photographs and with Nate joining us, her driver whizzed us to a press event--a restaurant that created the "glass slipper" drink. The cast was invited to promote it.

Nate, such a gentleman, grabbed us a table, and eventually he and Laura and the four of us enjoyed a great bottle of wine and lovely heirloom tomatoes and mozzarella, figs, and cheese (flambe) with a lemon sauce. Out of this world!

Laura's driver, Jim, kindly chauffeured us to the hotel, and it wasn't until about midnight that we again fell into bed.

Day Four: 

It was a short night, but we were ready for the adventure to the airport. We'd had a bit of a crazy trip from LaGuardia to the hotel, so I felt hopeful when our driver and van arrived on time with a "and how many lovely ladies am I transporting today?" But things went downhill from there. Check out my review on Yelp:

"I'm giving this shuttle one star, only because I can't give it negative stars.  Today we took the shuttle from NY Midtown to LaGuardia.  The van arrived at the hotel on time (yeah!) but that was the only positive.  After picking up one other group, our driver stopped for coffee, then HIT A CAR and when the car's driver challenged ours, our driver said "I no hit you" and drove off with a green light.  He then drove in circles for another 20 minutes (I was checking our location on my phone) and finally we made it to the Queensborough Bridge and I had hopes we'd arrive at the airport.  Two groups were flying American and needed Terminal B; one group was flying WestJet and needed Terminal C.  He dumped everyone at Terminal B and drove off.   Seriously?"

But the flight itself was fine--arrived back in Mpls. nearly on time. The car at the car park started, we zoomed home, and sadly our adventure was over!

Highlights? For me it would have to be our last night--the play, backstage and being with Nate and Laura. So fun to glimpse their lives--so young, so filled with possibility. And naturally it's always a highlight in my life to be with steadfast girlfriends--we laugh together, cry together, and share Carmen--we each wore her one day of the trip--bet she loved it!