Wednesday, June 13

Trying to blog outside the suite overlooking the watering hole. About 50 African buffalo are wandering about, some with very young calves. The old bull with a heck of a rack of horns came earlier and knelt at the water--too old to reach so far down?

The morning began a bit later than yesterday's early wake up. We breakfasted with fresh fruit, cold cheese, meats, yogurt, juices and rolls, followed by eggs, meat, potatoes, etc. of choice. Then on to the craft market. Very persistent but polite vendors. Jane and I ended up buying a few fun things, though getting the "traditionally built woman" sculpture home might be a problem, since it's pretty heavy.

How wonderful to be in a foreign country where language isn't an issue. The signage, prices, etc. can all be easily understood, though Jane's much better at haggling over prices than I am. It's clear she has a great time and we dealt with American dollars, but could've done very well with bartering. We were asked to trade hats, shoes, socks, pens, etc. for things, but unfortunately we didn't have much with us to barter.

Going down to the pool with my book after a nice shower. Feeling rather "full" around the middle...have to work on that.

A coke at the craft market