Sunny and fabulous!

After settling into our room, Jane and I took a quick nap--just an hour to stave off headache and disorientation from jet lag and lack of sleep. We met the group in the lobby and explored the area of our hotel--the Plaka area. It’s filled with restaurants and shops and now and then a monument, a piece of fabulous history. The colors and languages swirled about us as we wandered the lanes, which originally were burros' trails. No wonder these wound around and seemed to have had no specific navigational planning. We all stopped for refreshment, and that naturally involved a beer, tatziki, flatbread, fried cheese, and French fries. Loved every bit of it.


But tired and needing sleep, Jane and I had a quick gin/tonic on the rooftop and hit the hay.

Day 2: We slept well, and I had trouble believing I’d slept until 8:29--had to rush, since I told Anna I’d meet them at 9 for a Day 2 adventure of hiking up the the Arcopolis and then visit the new Acropolis museum. Jane elected to snooze a bit longer, since she’d seen both places previously, so off I went, sunscreen in hand.

The day was gloriously clear--a gorgeous blue sky--but warm. I’d elected to wear a skirt and sleeveless top, and felt as cool as I possibly could. The 20 euros to see the Acropolis was well worth it, and I regretted so that Lord Elgin had removed the marble from the site there and transported it to London. I’d seen the Elgin Marble at the British Museum in London, but think it’s time England return what’s now missing from the original pieces housed in the Acropolis Museum.


We watched the Acropolis Museum’s informative video and then strolled through the floors, marveling at the workmanship and grand scheme of the Parthenon, and The Temple of Athene Nike in particular. I hadn’t known that the buildings had been colorfully painted or that they had been home to various religions throughout the years.

A bit of a rest at the hotel, then off to a rooftop dinner.  As we ate, the Acropolis lights gradually began to illuminate the structures, and we drank wine until all was lit.


Walking home at 10:30 from dinner was a new experience, and I hope I'll sleep tonight, full tummy and all.   Tomorrow morning we're planning on the hop on/hop off bus tour before heading away from Athens.  So fun to see the lovely sights and be in the midst of so many languages and cultures.