Just sayin'...

My two roomies are still snoozing, wrapped in their sheets as the morning light peeks through the shutters. Before beginning what’s to be our last day in Greece, I just want to take a moment to reflect on the magic those of you on the homefront have performed to make this trip possible for me, and the arduous dance you had to carry out when crisis arose. First of all, Pete--you’re a dear for encouraging me to join Anna’s venture. It takes an incredible life partner to shove me out the door for a festive trip, when this is really the type of sojourn we ourselves had thought we’d take together.

And the support team taking care of Pete, Mama Hazel, and the homefront--you’re incredible. My joy of discovering this part of the world is due to you--your diligence and care. Ronda, Hunter, Rod, Carol and all--I’m so grateful.

And naturally when things became “complicated,” you all pitched in. Love you kids for dropping everything and being there. Jane and I are incredibly blessed to have wonderful offspring who figure out how to navigate the challenges--not that you haven’t had practice. Haha.

Both Jane and I cherish those of you who surround us daily with your love and prayers as we give care to our spouses, and as I care for Mom. This escape has enlivened our spirits, expanded our world knowledge--as well as our bellies! WIll see you soon...