My own afterglow

We snoozed (and coughed and blew our noses) as Paul drove us south to Albert Lea. Colds and three different flights and layovers had pretty much done us in. Think Paul is planning to Lysol his car… The bed I slid into was fresh, cool, and silky...and my pillow--my own pillow! For some reason I really had missed mine on the trip. Must mean I’d better get over that if I want to travel more.

To travel more...yes, I already have my next trip in the works for February, if the world cooperates. Since childhood I’ve always wanted to see the pyramids, and perhaps I will on a trip to Egypt if it pans out.

The first thing I noticed waking up in Minnesota was the cool room. I couldn’t imagine why the air conditioning was on, only to realize it was the morning air wafting into my window that brought the chill. Now that’s different, I thought. Cool air drifting in...not the 40+ C we’d experienced. And another thing--the terrain. In place of rocky hills and grey, what greeted me outside my window was green grass and foliage, and birds all a-twitter. In place of the sea was a calm lake. How I miss the constant whoosh of the waves.

The house and yard were perfectly kept, thanks to you, Ronda, Rod, and Hunter. I mean PERFECTLY in order. Bird feeders filled, plants watered, (and Pete and pets fed and watered)! Some people are worth their weight in gold...

Had to run to the market, of course--as most do when returning from a trip. And I pondered the plain Greek yogurts, noticing for the first time the amount of fat in each. I have no idea the percentage of fat in that we'd eaten, but I’m sure it was hefty. I ended up with a 5% container and a 2% one for the times I’m calorie conscious. My shopping cart also loaded up on tomatoes (so looking forward to those from the garden soon), cucumbers, lemons, and feta. Oh...and watermelon for dessert. So our first dinner home was beef on the grill, potatoes roasted in oil and lemon, Greek salad, watermelon. Sound familiar? Though I did miss the Greek wine, it was delicious.

And now that the clothes are washed and the suitcase is nearly empty, I’ll be getting back into my routine soon, I imagine. Visited Mama Hazel yesterday and she seemed fine--even remembered I’d been traveling. She looked well groomed and content. Carol, I’m sure she appreciated your visits, and I so appreciate your kind attention to her.

So the traveler is home, wanting more...more experiences of life beyond my narrow realm here. I prefer to call myself a traveler, not a tourist. A traveler constantly seeks other cultures and environs, appreciating the differences. Travelers adapt to other countries’ customs, food, ways, not expecting the reverse. They’re life-learners, and I hope I'm counted as one.

