And after...

I'm still glowing from the trip, even when reality hits and I'm 8th in line for the car wash and tending to the meals, laundry, and now even snow removal.  To think that on Thursday--just days ago--I was climbing through Sidonian caves like Indiana Jones and emerging into 70 degree weather there.  Flowers, green, sun, blue sky... Now the city's snowplows are roaring past the house. As the snow piles up here this morning (5 inches already?) I have to say I'm a bit puzzled when people ask me about my most favorite part of the trip. Being a student of life, I naturally loved the simple learning of new things.  And given my care taking duties here, just being taken care of myself was an absolute joy.  All I had to do was show up on time--at meals and at the bus.  Not worrying about those at home (thank you, Ronda and Carol!) and being able to connect electronically nearly every moment of the day via our bus's wifi, were a comfort.

I see that my ipad's untrustworthy app deleted even the pictures I'd eventually posted of our Day 2 activities--the magnificent Caesarea Maritima, Nazareth, and the Jesus boat. My hope is to eventually write up our activities from memory and post photos of that day. So check back in the next few days and see if I've gotten that far.

But back to my reflections of the trip itself... I have to say it is truly miraculous that, to my knowledge, no one lost anything, tumbled on rocks or stone steps, or felt distress of any sort.  The group varied in age, in physical ability, but not in determination.  We all wanted to experience Israel, for its history and very existence are woven into our lives here. Not one oIMG_2777f us is an island unto himself or herself.



And though the food, customs, terrain, religious traditions vary considerably in many ways from ours, I came away with an appreciation, tolerance, and acceptance of things that might've seemed alien to me.  I hope I'm not perceived as having a religious ego or sense of religious entitlement.  I fully appreciate that others may hold beliefs other than my own.I hope to continue to respect (not just tolerate) others' varied beliefs and customs.