Day Four--Tiberius to Jerusalem

Spent about 5 hrs. on today's post and it's vanished, despite having been continually saved. Ugh! Trying to be very "adult" about this, so instead of my masterfully constructed prose, I'll just give you our itinerary and photos. Dang! From the hotel to a fortress from the Crusades called Belvoir Castle.

Then on to Bet She'an, a Roman city where the bodies of King Saul and his sons were hung from the city walls.

Then we moved into Palestine and the West Bank. We visited the more authentic site of Jesus' baptism by John on the River Jordan--looks more natural than yesterday's site, doesn't it?

We lunched at a roadside stop and ate Falafel or Sabih, a pita filled with thinly sliced fried eggplant, vegies and hard-cooked eggs, all covered in a yogurt-based dressing. Delicious!

To the "wilderness" Jesus experienced--desolate and arid.

Through Jerusalem to Bethlehem and the Church of the Nativity. Here three religions share the site, said to be where Jesus was born: Aramaic, Roman Catholic, and Greek Orthodox. The first church was built in the 4th century and the Catholic addition in the 1880s.

Finally to Jerusalem and our hotel for the next few nights. The architectue of this area is here more angular.

OK, so we've been eating interesting stuff and much of it. In addition to the blog crashing, there's a scale in the bathroom. Horrors!