Roaming (Rome-Ing)--Day 3

Following the wonderful evening walk around Rome the night before, Anne and I slept in a bit. I wrote some, Anne ran into work for an hour, but then we wanted to support our SOH team members by donning our SAVE OUR HOSPITAL shirts and photographing ourselves in front of the colosseum to post on Facebook. What an international flair we’ve brought to this grassroots movement--haha.

Roman gladiators fight to keep a full-service acute care hospital in Albert Lea, Minnesota!!! 

Roman gladiators fight to keep a full-service acute care hospital in Albert Lea, Minnesota!!! 

Since the weather was perfect, Anne and I decided to shop a bit--walking into the city center from the colosseum.  We were a bit bummed, however, to find that for some unexplained reason, a large number of shops were closed. Fun to browse anyway, but of course we needed some gelato to sweeten us up after a disappointing excursion.

A bit of street art--using dried beans as one element

A bit of street art--using dried beans as one element

Love these little architectural arches

Love these little architectural arches

And there was ANOTHER entire case to choose from, too! 

And there was ANOTHER entire case to choose from, too! 

It's fall here, too--walking along the Tiber (Tevere).  Love how the tree branches arch over the walkway

It's fall here, too--walking along the Tiber (Tevere).  Love how the tree branches arch over the walkway

Around 5 pm we trekked home, showered, and then walked around the corner to one of Anne's favorite spots for a quick dinner.  Delicious.  Then we walked 30 minutes back to the Trastevere bar where we’d seen Anne’s friends practicing on Thursday night. Saturday night was an actual “performance” and many danced.  Very fun.  But the night wasn’t over.

We had dinner at this local spot near Anne's apartment.  A food tour stopped in.  Farm-table affair

We had dinner at this local spot near Anne's apartment.  A food tour stopped in.  Farm-table affair

Asparagus risotto with some nice wine.  Doesn't get much better than this! 

Asparagus risotto with some nice wine.  Doesn't get much better than this! 

After an hour at that bar, another 35 minute walk in the opposite direction took us to a fabulous club where Ayca (another FAO friend of Anne’s) was singing.  This gal is phenomenal.  We danced up a storm--actually the first time in years I was moving around the dance floor and I Ioved every minute of it.  Anne’s friends and colleagues are fabulous--always involved in living life to the fullest, enjoying it to the max.  They often do things together and again I felt so privileged to feel a part of the bunch.

Ayca and her band

Ayca and her band

Such a rush to let loose

Such a rush to let loose