Join us in Thailand!

Think it's about time to celebrate new beginnings, new adventures, and a long-awaited wedding.  FINALLY one of the kids is getting married--and what a celebration to look forward to.  The ceremony itself will be held March 12 in rural Thailand, but all of us crazy enough to attend will be arriving in Bangkok on March 3. We'll explore Bangkok and venture down to Krabi before the nuptials. Alex and his bride-to-be are arranging an amazing experience for us.  We're all missing Pete, but of course he'll be proudly attending in our hearts as we watch our godson marry a lovely woman.

Leaving Feb. 28, we're flying the 20+ hours to Bangkok, and on March 3, the fest begins.  Join me here for adventures.  I'll be posting as often as possible with as many photos as possible--just so you can experience this vicariously with us all.   Hope you can enjoy along with us!

Krabi Province, Thailand 

Krabi Province, Thailand