Day 13–Antalya back to Istanbul

We’ve been trying to figure out the best schedule for a tour—how to balance the sights with lunches and free time and relaxation and...everything that makes a fun trip a great trip.  We’ve all decided we’re not into crowds, so visiting sights as early in the morning as one could would be the best.  Then a late lunch (2-3 pm) and then a light meal at night.  After lunch would be time to roam on one’s own or read a book or get a massage!  Anyway, too much sightseeing makes for scrambling my brain and I need down time to process and enjoy the experience more.

The airport had a spot where we could pose with Ataturk

The airport had a spot where we could pose with Ataturk

In the 1980s, Antalya had 100,000 inhabitants.  Today it’s a bustling 1.5 million

In the 1980s, Antalya had 100,000 inhabitants.  Today it’s a bustling 1.5 million

Our flight back to Istanbul was pretty uneventful.  My only frustration is that I’d mistakenly slipped my travel corkscrew into my makeup bag and they grabbed it at security.  “Forbidden,” the guy said after tossing through my backpack.  Aw shucks.  I’d really liked that one. 

A significant wait at the Istanbul airport before our driver arrived.  He got us to within about 3 blocks of our hotel when the traffic simply stopped.  We didn’t move at all.  So several of us decided to hop out and walk to the Kybele—the same hotel we’d stayed in at the beginning of the trip.  When the van finally arrived, we quickly unpacked our best “dress up” clothes and set off for one of the best restaurants in the world (ranked 32 out of 50 in 2018), the Mikla.  Our logistics guru Tom had made reservations for us and we enjoyed a fabulous meal while overlooking the Istanbul skyline. 

Overlooking the Golden Horn

Overlooking the Golden Horn

But before we zoomed to the rooftop terrace, we hurried across the street to step into another world—that of the Pera Palace Hotel.  This was old-world elegance.  It was here that passengers departing the Orient Express were carried by 4 men in a sedan chair (a litter) to the Pera Palace Hotel. Agatha Christie wrote Murder on the Orient Express here.  Ernest Hemingway, and Ataturk himself stayed here.  Lovely.  Fun to see the birdcage elevator (no longer in operation) and sense another time, another era. Delightful.

Waiter!  A double gin-tonic please! 

Waiter!  A double gin-tonic please! 

The Pera Palace Hotel’s bar/lounge

The Pera Palace Hotel’s bar/lounge

Sedan chair or “litter” used to carry passengers from the Orient Express to the Pera Palace Hotel

Sedan chair or “litter” used to carry passengers from the Orient Express to the Pera Palace Hotel

The bird-cage elevator

The bird-cage elevator

Our rooftop view at the Mikla was breathtaking.  We chose a three-course meal and had several choices in each of the courses.  Many sighs of satisfaction as we tasted the exquisite flavors and sipped excellent wine.

Hummus on black seeded crackers with radishes and..not sure, but it was crispy and good! 

Hummus on black seeded crackers with radishes and..not sure, but it was crispy and good! 

The sun set as we ate.  Another magical evening with this group in a wonderful, enchanting country.

Sunset over the Golden Horn

Sunset over the Golden Horn

Our gang minus our dear Jini.  Overlooking the Marmara Sea

Our gang minus our dear Jini.  Overlooking the Marmara Sea

The Pera Palace Hotel

The Pera Palace Hotel