Around Rome, Day 1

First day around Rome.  

We were lazy–slow to move this Sunday morning.  Enjoyed the church bells as they rang through our open windows.  Good coffee, avocado toast.  

We decided to trek in the direction of the Tiber River–just a few blocks from Anne’s apartment. Love street signs mounted on the walls of buildings instead of on poles on street corners. 

Saw gorgeous bougainvillea at the entrance of Basilica de Santa Cecelia in Trastevere before stopping for a cappuccino.  We crossed the Tiber and made our way down my favorite shopping street: Via dei Giubbonari. Fun shops beginning to display their fall items.

Finally on to Plaza Navona with two fountains: Fountain of the Moro (featuring dolphins and tritan figures) and Fiumi Fountain which pays homage to four of the world’s main rivers.

I like how we enjoyed walking a bit and then had cappuccino.  Another 20 min., then gelato, then 20 minutes and a light snack on Plaza Navona.  On to the Turtle fountain and a gin/tonic.  

Memorable and moving were the memorial plaques in the cobblestone streets in front of Jewish homes, honoring those who were taken and shipped to camps.  These plaques are called "stumbling stones," so one might stumble (and read and pause) upon them and remember those who were persecuted and killed. These stones are found all over Europe to commemorate Jews and others taken from their homes.

We ate early (7:30) on the rooftop at Angelina’s and dragged ourselves back to fall into bed.