Day 7--Winding our way around Lefkada Island

Awoke today with energetic chattering of birds. Breakfast of frittata, pound cake, Spanakopita, good bread, jam, and juice/coffee. Then off to circle the island, stopping at a winery, two lovely beaches on the Adriatic, and a fun restaurant before coming back to the hotel for lamb done on a spit. The winery reminded us a bit of Four Daughters--small, newer, but tastefully constructed. After a tour, we sampled wines, bought two bottles of a white we liked (called Skin Contact (!)), and examined the old presses, etc.


We wound through little towns, past the Onassis island, and then on to the first beach… And what a beach! We twisted and turned along curvy, narrow roads leading through pines, then down to rocky terrain. We could have been in Oregon or on the Gunflint, but suddenly the “windex” blue water appeared, so blue due to the limestone that encircles it. The beach itself was pebble-filled, so we used water shoes to get to the edge, but once there, whoosh! the waves drew us out, then in, then out again. So lovely--like one of the beaches posted on Pinterest. This beach, Katsiki, was filled with families enjoying the holiday of Pentecost, and we lounged after swimming, enjoying a gentle, even rolling of the waves. I was the only one (and I mean the ONLY one) to have a one-piece bathing suit on. Though I’m sure no one gave a rip, I was so conscious of being swaddled in my brown Lands End one-piece, that I’ve vowed to get something new...and soon.


Then to Greco Levante for beer, appetizers. We loved the fried zucchini in a dill sauce as well as local sausages, potatoes, etc. A great oasis before our next beach…


Beach number two was a 45 minute drive north to Kathisma. This beach was “organized,” as Anna would say--much more commercial. One could do tandem paragliding, sit under one of several hundred umbrellas (for a fee). Heavy music pulsed throughout the beach and the waves….were huge and powerful and awe-inspiring. We elected to simply spread our towels on the beach and then waded out onto the more sand-like beach. These waves, though, pounded, and more than once we were knocked down by their powerful surges. Kids shrieked and ran; parents kept a watchful eye. This beach had a rhythm of its own.


A lazy drive back to Hotel Philippos; after a shower, our outdoor picnic of lamb, salad, potatoes, and plenty of wine ended our adventuresome day nicely. Tomorrow on to Delphi. Going to miss this hotel and the great internet!
