Day 8--on to Delphi

So leaving Hotel Phillipos was a sad farewell--gorgeous beaches and great internet...but onward! Our trek to Delphi took us through the heart of Greece and we observed many “spirit” houses along the way--these houses (looking like larger mailboxes) are erected in memory of someone who’s died in that spot. They’re not unlike memorial crosses one sees now and then along our roadways. These houses come in all styles, from simple boxes (with maybe a cross atop it), to ornate mini orthodox churches. After breakfast we loaded up, stopping in the port city of Nafpaktos for a bit of lunch. We knew it was hot, but gaped at the bus thermometer read 49.8 degrees. No wonder my lip gloss was mush. A “lite” lunch means beer all around, chicken, local sausage, two types of salad, peppers, cheese in phyllo, and fries. So wonderful to eat and sip by the sea and feel the breeze off the water.




After countless hairpin turns, we arrived at Delphi and toured the museum. The two others and I trekked in the heat to the ruins--marveling all the way at the history of the place. Glorious. We saw several meditating near Athena’s palace, perhaps hoping to hear the Oracle's voice and instruction?


After showering at the hotel, we had a wonderful meal, complete with delicacies Anna felt we should try.


