Day Two--Italy

Day Two--Well, it's 1 am Minnesota time, but 8 am Rome time.  We're still flying, but have just breakfasted on yogurt and a bit of a muffin. Have an hour or so until arrival.  Smooth flight--Katherine and I sat apart, allowing for us to lie down, or at least lounge a bit using more than one seat.  This is the first flight I can remember being on that had enough empty seats so passengers could actually lie across them.  I snagged a pair of seats, and though I sat on the aisle, had the seat by the window to allow me more comfort than usual. One would think I could sleep then, but the ol' gal was just too excited to snooze, I guess.  What I did do was relax.  I breathed deeply and just vegged out.  The evening sunset out the window and the eventual sunrise just hours later were magnificent!


The movie I watched was Wild, something we'd read in book club and I have to say I sort of liked the movie better than the book.  I could better grasp the journey, or journeys, Cheryl was on during her trek along the trail--how the present and the past meshed.  One thing I have to ask the girls about, though, is the shooting of the horse.  I remember the incident from the book, but can't for the life of me recall its profound significance to Cheryl herself.  And I must've been too bleery-eyed to grasp it watching the film.

Later--wow, after an on-time arrival and taxi ride to Anne's, we enjoyed some neighborhood gelato before trekking to the Colosseum, just down the street.  So many crazies trying to sell junk to tourists!  But we walked, gawking at the ancient/new and began to feel the magic.  Katherine and I grabbed a needed two hour nap and then we set off with Anne to explore--the three-hour walk ending in pasta and wine here at the apartment.  Delicious!  Divine!