Day One--on the road again!

OK--underway on our adventure...Have to say the weather was so gorgeous in MN that I had a pang of regret that I was leaving on such a nice day.  Could've dug in the garden with gusto, I think.  But that type of thinking will get me nowhere! Katherine's husband was dear enough to take us up to the airport, and I'm happy to say I was ready and waiting at 7:30 this morning.  The sun shone and the birds sang as my new red bag was tossed into the Honda and Joe zoomed us to the airport.  

The night before hadn't been so sweet--found myself in the kitchen near midnight making Pete even more food, compensating, I guess, for my leaving him.  But hey, he DOES have many options all prepared and waiting on his personal shelf in the freezer.  

Once we arrived at MSP airport, we found USAir/American Airlines (they're merging, you know) waiting for us. Still had to use the USAir kiosk for our boarding passes though.  When I tried the American kiosk, it didn't recognize my reservation and I panicked a bit--but only for a second before a super agent (Neal, I think) helped us through the process of checking in and even got us our seats to and FROM Rome.  So...all set!  The staff was about the friendliest and the experience of check-in one of the quickest and most pleasant I've had.

Going through security was equally as easy, as both Katherine and I were pre-checked, so we didn't have to remove shoes, etc. and just zipped on through.  Then after a filling breakfast of eggs benedict (hey, we're going big time here...), we found our gate, and before long boarded and left 15 minutes early.  With a tail wind, we're scheduled to arrive 40 minutes early.  Captain just announced we have 31 minutes to touchdown.  woohoo!  

Only glitch so far is my being unaware that the three audiobooks I downloaded from SELCO onto my phone to listen to on the flight require an online connection, and of course while flying I don't have that.  Duh.  What a dunce.  Never thought to bring my ipod instead, so I'll be reading the paperback I tossed in.  

So far...could this all be any better?  Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy!  John Denver, you know it!

Now in Philly, enjoying a winebar and sandwich.  Here's to our adventure!