Day One--Roaming in Rome

Awaking in Rome to bright sunshine and the promise of 75 degrees.  Can it get any better than this?  I fell into bed last night, sleeping in the loft of my sister’s apartment--so comfy.  This morning Anne and I shared a cup of coffee before she took off to work at FAO.  Then after a shower and some planning, I was off to the market and exploring the Testaccio neighborhood.

Ok, the market.  Oh my.  Guess I’d pictured a farmers’ market type venue, but this was a covered area with multiple stalls--several dozen.  Vendors sold flowers, clothing, jewelry, pasta, olive oil, pesto, meats, cheeses, veggies, fruits, coffee, books, purses--a feast for the eyes, ears, nose.  I was so excited to see it all that I had to speak to myself in a calm voice--”Okay, Jane...breathe.  Slow down.  Look carefully.  Don’t hyperventilate. Just enjoy”  Such fun stuff.

Pasta anyone? 

Pasta anyone? 


​I’d wanted to find Keats’s and Shelley’s graves in the Protestant Cemetery, but time didn’t allow. I met Anne at Rosso across the street from FAO for a great lunch (got the “medium” buffet plate with four choices for 10 Euros).


Then back to apartment to switch into something cooler.  The wifi kicked in there and Carole/Kelly called--could we meet for a glassa?  Naturally! How often do good friends happen to be in Rome at the same time as you are?  So beer and a walk to the Orange Garden--delightful.  We’ll meet again tomorrow night for dinner. 


Orange Garden in Aventino neighborhood

From the Orange Garden

From the Orange Garden


OK, so the thing is...the adventures didn't end until nearly midnight.  Anne arrived home from work  around 7:30 and we walked to Trastevere to hear Francy, a friend from FAO, play samba music with a group.  Anne and I drank several Italian beers, listened to the fun beat for several hours.  Then walking home at 10 pm, found a shoe store still open and we each purchased a pair of shoes--on sale, even. The excitement never ends! 

Trastevere neighborhood at night--many cafes, bars, and shoe stores stay open until midnight! 

Trastevere neighborhood at night--many cafes, bars, and shoe stores stay open until midnight!


Francy (second from left) and his crew

Francy (second from left) and his crew

I prefer Peroni--Anne likes Moretti

I prefer Peroni--Anne likes Moretti

The leather is luscious! 

The leather is luscious!