To Roam (Rome)!

Anne’s and my Air France flight Mpls-Paris (and eventually Rome) took off just after 7:30 pm, so we arranged a ride to the airport, leaving town at 3 pm. The trip was quick, unencumbered by detours and traffic. Check-in was likewise easy, and Anne and I secured seats for the 10 hour flight. Because the plane was only half full, the clerk suggested we each choose a window seat--the seat next to us would probably remain empty, and we’d have a roomier ride. So it was! Anne and I were mere rows apart, and thank heavens for the extra room, as the seats were particularly tiny--especially when the seat in front of you was reclined--literally in-your-face.


We needed a pre-boarding beer and burger, of course.

 I was all set for the hours until our Paris stop with my ipad, book, headset for the onboard movies.  We quickly noticed the plane seemed ancient--still had ash trays. And the fuzzy movie screen was a mere 4x6 inches.  The movie selection wasn’t very good, but I did manage to find and watch Loving, something I had wanted to see. 

One thing I noticed right away was the plane’s stewards.  Instead of women catering to travelers, efficient guys ran the show.  First order of business was something to drink, of course, and the white French wine was light and delicious.  Then came dinner (ho-hum chicken--but with a yummy chocolate mousse cake and "Another wine, Madam?")

Soon after, the lights dimmed, and we were asked to close the window shades. Following my selected movie, I was able to sleep a bit, and when the lights came on for breakfast, I couldn’t believe so much time had passed.

After landing in a foggy Paris, there was no need to change terminals, but still the trek to our next gate was long, as was our wait to go through immigration.  Apparently the computer for the only official on duty wasn’t working well, and we yawned our way through the line.

Once in Rome, our pre-arranged driver grabbed our suitcases and rolled them across the street to his Mercedes van.  Classical music played in the parking ramp, the sky was cloudless, the air fresh.  Perfection.

Just 20 minutes later we pulled up to Anne’s place--a third-floor apartment in the Testaccio district of Rome. A darling apartment.  We changed, rested a bit, then met friends of Anne’s for a drink and ventured off to a salsa dance class before dropping into bed.  Honestly, fun or what?


Home in Rome! 

First night in Rome--and salsa lessons? 

First night in Rome--and salsa lessons?