The evening bash

We napped (and some enjoyed beer) during the heat of the day.  Then around 6 p.m. we left for more festivities at Tak’s farm.  The day’s ceremonies had been in the Thai tradition; now the evening was to be American--dinner, refreshments, dancing. 

Look at this handsome groom! 

Look at this handsome groom! 

​The full moon added an elegant touch to the joyful atmosphere. Tak’s parents had again transformed the farm--now a party venue. Tables for eight were set up near a bar (complete with an accomplished bartender), as well as dancing and music areas.

Alex and Tak with her sister, Tik

Alex and Tak with her sister, Tik

Alex was dressed in a gleaming suit, and Tak?  Another gorgeous dress.​

Under a full moon

Under a full moon


The sun was just setting as we sat down at tables. Appetizers, fish, rice, soup--wonderful Thai food--were passed around.  We drank, ate to our heart's content, and listened to gentle music from a local group.  The crazy dance music would come later.

A bit of Johnny Walker for each table

A bit of Johnny Walker for each table


​Toasts were made, grateful appreciation for a marvelous wedding and celebration were given. I’m sure few Thai guests understood the words Chris and Dan spoke, but nonetheless, the meaning was conveyed and well received.

​Eventually traditional Thai dancers in their beautiful costumes entertained us and then the dancing began. I’m sure the Thai guests wondered just what antics we Americans were performing, but it was fun all the same.

A few of the Thai dancers in their traditional outfits

A few of the Thai dancers in their traditional outfits

Traditional dance

Traditional dance

​Keeping with the American tradition, Tak pulled her father out onto the dance floor, tossed her bouquet to a number of single gals, and then she and Alex cut the cake--with a sword(!). The cake was delicious.

Tossing the bouquet

Tossing the bouquet

Yes, they're using a sword! 

Yes, they're using a sword! 


​The heat didn’t really affect any of the day’s activities, but it did tire me out--despite my great afternoon nap. I’m sure the “kids” partied hearty into the night. A few of us in the older crowd? Home to rest and enjoy memories of a once-in-a-lifetime celebration.