Ready, get set....

Well, it's GO day here and though the plane doesn't leave until nearly 10 pm, I'm packed!  Yes, more than just undies now.  The big question is weather--could be 40, could be 70.  I've got layers, walking shoes, and plenty of adventuresome spirit. So many have helped make this escapade possible.  Many thanks to my support team--and Jane's too! Needlesstosay, we'll be toasting you all as we float along.

But it's hard to leave THIS weather!  Could we have a more perfect fall?  Crisp mornings, calm winds or a light breeze.  Blue, blue bugless sky.  I know in several weeks when we return, we'll probably find few leaves left on trees.  I suspect after a good frost, the leaves will simply dump--and with our 13 oak trees, a dumping presents a huge cleanup issue.  So..will tackle that AFTER the adventure.


In 24 hours we should be nearly to Amsterdam, and then...well that's part of the fun.  And then...