Ship shift, Nurnberg and the Vidar!

Our morning began early--I showered at 5:30 and was finished with last minute packing by 6:15. Jane and I had a light breakfast in the lounge and felt the weight of last night's late packing and this morning's early wake up. Our suitcases were to be outside the staterooms by 7 am. and then we were to board buses for Nurnberg at 8:30.    Crisp-cold weather! The temp was 45 degrees, and I was thankful for my hat and gloves, since we had a breeze and the canal was steaming--obviously the air was colder than the water itself.   Our bus tour through the city took us past the former Nazi parade grounds, now desolate with weeds growing among the rows of seats. I envisioned the former magnificence of the place and chuckled as the guide announced the city of Nurnberg had performed a "swastik-ectomy" on the huge swastika that had formerly adorned the staging area. I found it interestingly ironic that the former SS barracks was now an immigration center, and the roads running through the parade grounds are named after Israeli prime ministers. Our walking tour began at the massive fortress, and we wound our way to the main market. Along the way we saw Drurer's house and enjoyed the interesting offerings at the market--lovely flowers and interesting, unique fruits and vegetables like truffles and a cabbage that looked like a cornucopia horn. Many bought and tasted their first Lebkuchen, but I'm not a huge fan of that gingery treat.     After lunch at a local pub, we bussed to Passau, thus by-passing the lowest water on the Danube. The splendor of the countryside was astounding. Gorgeous fall colors, rolling hills--reminded me of the area around Winona, probably now in its fall glory. Actually quite nice to see this region by bus.

We were greeted by a new crew on an identical ship, the Vidar, which was launched in 2015, just like the ship we'd left, the Lofn. Our bags were waiting in an identically numbered and appointed cabin.  Ship is awesome, and we'll get to know the staff soon. We toasted the second half of our journey at dinner. Tomorrow is forecast to be even cooler than today.  Out with the cuddle duds!