Sunny, breezy in Bratislava

The morning sun shone on a windy Danube this morning. We breakfasted at a round table on the sunlight and shortly thereafter began a bus/walking tour of Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia This city of 500,000 has been through turmoil and seems "confused," to use Jane's term. The government's been back and forth--communist/socialist to democratic--which plunged the unemployment to 25%, and the the conversion to the Euro has been trying. The new and the old, renovated and dilapidated intermix. But it's a city that's slowly, very slowly changing and adapting to being able to breathe on its own. The communist university sits empty and building repairs are waiting to be done.


The cool weather keeps some from enjoying outdoor cafes.  But people wrap themselves in the  soft, warm blankets and enjoy!!


Arriving back on the boat an hour before sailing, I was able to quickly change into my running duds and do 2.5 miles of laps--the first opportunity to enjoy the sun in more than a week.

After lunch, we found this "creature" made out of towels and my sunglasses in our room.  Creative!

   Having a farewell dinner tonight, as tomorrow night, our last on the boat, some may be packing. Budapest tonight and tomorrow.   Then leaving the ship around 3 am. for the airport and trip home.