Home again..home again...

I awoke at 7 am--not bad!  My first glimpse of the morning showed amber light from the rising sun washing over the bay--lovely. And though I have tons to do to get back up to speed, I'm sighing, relishing another world adventure. I'm sitting here with a good cup of coffee on the porch, the leaves gently falling--all is well.  The support team has been fantastic--garbage cans set out for pickup, bird feeders filled, house clean, flowers watered, Pete fed and happy--heartfelt thanks to all of you. The biggest issue while I was gone  was the cat getting sprayed by a skunk.  PJ, you were such a trooper to deal with that! Carole, only a REALLY good friend would help hold the cat.  Thanks so much!

My jelly-belly and thighs I'm calling a "temporary souvenir," but I certainly enjoyed the beer, the wine, the delicacies of each country. I'd never thought I'd actually think, oh no--another meal! but that truly was the case on this trip.

As I look at the lawn today, I realize our 13 oaks have dropped many of their leaves.  Time to tackle those.

So it's reality time. Back to the world of caretaking--of the house, the family, myself. Though  we had plenty of time to shop, that certainly  wasn't a priority. I purchased one item: a German sconce that reads in translation, time/love/light/joy.  Some essentials to life, don't you think?