The morning mist

Had a lovely dinner last night of cheese souffle, sea bass and pot de creme.  Our waiter filled our glasses with Austrian wine--bottomless.  We drank both red and white just to try them, keeping to our "tradition" we'd begun yesterday at the airport. Divine. Had dinner with couples from Indianapolis and Colorado.  Then off to bed--no hanging out at the lounge for us tired babes. The night was interesting.  First, I'd set the room's temp too high and we were a bit warm, plus this morning I saw the heated floor in the bathroom was left on and that added to the warmth.  We couldn't feel the boat moving, but we could hear someone running on the run/walk path right above us on the deck.  thunk, thunk, thunk in the middle of the night.  Someone must not have been able to sleep!

I finally got up around 5:30, put on my running duds and went up on the track.  It was an amazing experience--the boat drifting silently thorough a dark canal, lights from cars and buildings, houses appearing through the mist.  I felt as if I were in another world.  As I ran/walked, the mist dampened my face and hair and I felt suddenly very alive, very energized.  Just me and the very early morning and the mist.

Shortly after a brief breakfast of muesli and yogurt and coffee (wasn't hungry for the full breakfast here), we set off for the Kinderdijk UNSECO site--enjoyed hearing the history of the windmills and traisping through one.  The engineers are masterful in their water management--even planting willows next to the dikes to help suction off water.  

Amsterdam airport to boat

Land appeared before scheduled as we landed 45 minutes early in Amsterdam.  I'd been anticipating this trip since August 2014, and was absolutely nuts just hours before leaving: I mowed the lawn, cleaned the house, filled the bird feeders, as well as stocked the freezer with food for Pete and arranged for his and mom's and the animals' care.  MANY thanks to the support team of Ronda, Carole, sister Anne and all.  You guys rock! I loved seeing the wind farms in the North Sea as the plane neared Amsterdam and the red tile roofs of the Netherlands.

The ritual of de-planing, immigration, etc. etc. went smoothly and by 2:30 we were at our boat in Amsterdam's harbor.  Then...unpacking and a nap.

At our evening orientation, we met a couples from Indiana and Colorado and...I discovered the bar carried my most favorite beer--the ulitmate (in my estimation) that I'd discovered 20

years ago in the Black Forest of Germany and now can find only at Total Wine--Kostritzer!  I'm in heaven.

And we're off!

10-4Sister Anne drove us Janes to MSP airport with just two stops along the way to get a few last-minute things. Gorgeous day, smooth drive, a great start. Our boarding passes popped up as a Delta flight, not KLM as our itinerary had indicated, but it all worked. Bags dropped off (mine was 48 lbs.) and the smoothest, quickest pre-TSA approved check in ever. Well, Jane had to nearly strip to silence the alarms, but it was just all the glitz she was wearing. The next line of business, of course, was finding a great glass of wine. We ended up at Surdyk's Flight, which had just what we needed. First a great Sav. Blanc as we perused the menu, then we split a Caprese Salad and a Greek Griller (paninni) and we topped it all off with a Blinker Klink Syrah. A bit much, perhaps, but this is an adventure, you know! Thoroughly enjoyed that establishment and we both recommend it, should you have extra time at the airport.

We made our way to gate G4, sat for 20 minutes, and then Jane stood and said, "Come on...let's board." I don't think anyone but the "elite class" was onboard, but no one blinked an eye as the economy-class Janes traipsed through the gate into the plane.


Suffice it to say, things were going well, and that didn't really change. Jane found a seat a row back with an empty seat next to it, leaving me with her empty seat next to me. With a blankie and pillow, I was able to lie down, sleep a bit, and voila! we now have 30 minutes to landing. Do think we're a good hour early. How about that?

Ready, get set....

Well, it's GO day here and though the plane doesn't leave until nearly 10 pm, I'm packed!  Yes, more than just undies now.  The big question is weather--could be 40, could be 70.  I've got layers, walking shoes, and plenty of adventuresome spirit. So many have helped make this escapade possible.  Many thanks to my support team--and Jane's too! Needlesstosay, we'll be toasting you all as we float along.

But it's hard to leave THIS weather!  Could we have a more perfect fall?  Crisp mornings, calm winds or a light breeze.  Blue, blue bugless sky.  I know in several weeks when we return, we'll probably find few leaves left on trees.  I suspect after a good frost, the leaves will simply dump--and with our 13 oak trees, a dumping presents a huge cleanup issue.  So..will tackle that AFTER the adventure.


In 24 hours we should be nearly to Amsterdam, and then...well that's part of the fun.  And then...

Anticipation--and an invitation

And we're off again!  The yearlong wait is nearly over.  Jane and I decided about 12 months ago to again ditch our husbands and head out for adventure.  We found a river cruise, eventually paid for it, and now with about 10 days to go until departure, I have to admit I haven't put a thing in a suitcase, though I have thought about what I'll bring. Really, I have. I'm looking forward to unpacking once--just once--and then enjoying the miles as they float beneath us.  But for now it's plan, plan, plan.  Take care of the dog's nails and anal gland (yuck), arrange Ronda's care for Pete, pay all the bills, (oh!  property taxes!), pay mom's bills, grab my wonderful sister (who will be staying with mom) from the airport, make sure there's food here for Pete, arrange for lawn care, etc. etc. etc.  Wow, just the preparation leaves me crazy sometimes, but I know as we float along with our favorite double gin/tonics in hand, we'll breathe a sigh and smile and relax.  And we'll toast life, our blessings, the world surrounding us.

Please join us on this venture if you'd like.  I hope the internet connection and my aging iPad hold out, and if so, we can all appreciate the multi-national mix and makes this world so amazing.  Really, climb onboard with us!